
Maggie Valley

When you stay at Four Seasons Inn you are conveniently located near the most popular attractions of the Great Smoky Mountains. For your convenience, we have listed some of the most common attractions below, but this list only represents a sampling of what is available in the area. Let us assist you in making your plans for an enjoyable stay!

The Setting

For those of you who have not had the pleasure of staying with us yet, Four Seasons Inn will impress you with our full range of amenities and room choices. From our elaborate Executive Suite to our large economy rooms, you will not be disappointed.  You and your family can cookout in our creekside picnic areas, sit in our oak rockers overlooking the ever rushing Jonathan Creek, relax in your own private jacuzzi, swim in our heated pool, or take in the many sights and activities in the area.

Our Rooms

Each of our oversized rooms offers a refrigerator, microwave, VCR, phone, TV with cable and HBO, and creekside access to Jonathan Creek, which runs directly behind our Inn.   Our creekside patio rooms have french doors opening up to the back patio with oak rockers for your pleasure. Our Executive Suite offers a full kitchen, jacuzzi, fireplace, king size bed, large TV and a sitting area. We also offer two double queen bed full kitchen units large enough for a family of four. If you are looking for jacuzzi relaxation, we have rooms with one queen bed and a jacuzzi. We...